Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I love this quote by Carl Sagan, who summed up the need for using both sides of the brain when he said
“It is the tension between creativity and skepticism that has produced the stunning unexpected findings of science."

I have started my graduate class on Curriculum Methodology and Assessment, very interesting. I will share more very soon.


Sunday, August 14, 2016

From Dante’s Purgatorio, Verse I:

To run o’er better water hoists her sails
the little vessel of my genius now,
which leaves behind her such a cruel sea;
and of that second Realm I ’ll sing, wherein
the human spirit purifies itself,
and groweth worthy to ascend to Heaven

As we approach our last week of  Educational Psychology studies and I am about  to say goodbye to Professor Defalco and my fellow classmates… I realize that before starting this course I was in some sort of  “Educational Inferno”. As a matter of fact, I shamefully admit that I had been there for quite sometime, as I was  unaware and guilty of  not knowing the wondrous paths that can lead to  higher teaching practices. Am I  now worthy of going to  “Educational Purgatorio?”  Hopefully yes!
Now that I have left Hell
And reached Purgatory
I need to set sail toward progressive teaching
I need to rid myself
of ineffective teaching habits
and as I move onto higher grounds
I strive to reach educational Heaven.
While taking gargantuan leaps of faith
 I  will hold onto
The knowledge
The eagerness
The curiosity and
Your hands…
My dear students.

(From: Cecilia’s Purgatorio, Verse I)

Let me ask this question: What makes us different from other species?

The question what makes the human species unique may never find a satisfying answer, in my opinion. I often believe that animals are smarter… or at least my dog is! But it not a question of who is smarter, it is a question about which characteristics are unique to us, humans. We have to listen to prominent experts, such as anthropologist Michael Tomasello and Professor of Developmental Psychology, Melinda Carpenter, who explain that the human kind is different, not smarter from other species because of Shared or collective intentionality, which is the ability and motivation to engage with others in collaborative, co-operative activities with joint goals and intentions.” They continue by saying thatThe term (shared intentionality) also implies that the collaborators’ psychological processes are jointly directed at something and take place within a joint attentional frame”. (Hurford 2007: 320, Tomasello et al. 2005).

Studies have shown that apes differ from humans because they do not intentionally take part in joint activities, whereas children begin this process at the age of 14 months, and neuroscience supports this theory because the biological adaptation of the human brain is a proof that humans have an hedge over the apes. Humans are able at a very young age to show intentions and goals and share their psychological state, through evolution our brains have evolved and developed cultural cognition, such as language and beliefs, which in turn allow us to share intentionally.  In my honest opinion, I have never really thought about animals not sharing intention. As I look at  a school of fish or a flock of geese, I wonder whether they are sharing their intentions of looking for food, or migrating.


Have you ever heard the word GRIT in education? Let’s not confuse it with a tasty grain, usually eaten for breakfast (delicious, believe me). Here  we are talking about grit as “will-power” or as per my self-created acronym GRIT is also identified as growth, resilience, intentionality and toughness in a person. If we could teach the following principles every day, we would be super-teachers:
 learn something new, complete a task every time you start it (resilience), work on the task alone or with others with passion (intentionality), if you fall pick yourselves up (toughness). Easier said that done! So much is asked of teachers, isn’t it?

According to Angela Lee Duckworth, “Grit is the power of passion and perseverance” for very long term goals. According to her to reach our goals we have to apply “growth mindset” rather than “fixed mindset”. So what are they? The table below is quite self-explanatory:

Carol Dweek claims that teachers can teach growth mindset by supporting the students and allowing them to work around their weaknesses by applying their strengths, that is my opinion as well, but it is not that easy. A fixed mindset may set us up for failure as it closes the door to growth and further development of our cognitive skills, according to Dweek; this week this particular topic was quite controversial on our discussion board. We know that growth brings change and the environment around us changes constantly, therefore we cannot expect the brain to react in a fixed manner to the changes of our surrounding environment. Sure but I ask myself whether there is something in between fixed and growth mindset, mustn’t it? How malleable are our brains? Apparently a lot, so we may be able to go from a fixed to a growth mindset with the proper help.

Professors Hochanadel and Finamore also present the concept of grit in their research paper: “Fixed and Growth Mindset in Education and how Grit Helps Students Persist in the Face of Adversity”. They tag onto Carol Dweek’s concept, which suggests that by teaching growth mindset we could teach grit: “Individuals with a fixed mindset believe that their intelligence is simply an inborn trait – they have a certain amount and that’s that. In contrast, individuals with a growth mindset believe that they can develop their intelligence over time (2010).

Grit and Motivation

Psychologists Richard Ryan and Edward Deci provide a detailed study about what motivates an individual in their research paper: “Self-determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, and Well-Being” (2000). They explain that there are external (extrinsic) and internal (intrinsic) motivations, which work on our psyche. Individuals are moved by three important factors:

  • ·      Competence, the need to feel competent
  • ·      Autonomy, the need to control the course of our lives which is not individualism or independence
  • ·      Relatedness , the need to have a close and affectionate relationship with others

Earlier studies instead had depicted a “hierarchy of needs” from lower to higher, for instance according to Psychologist Maslow an individual had to satisfy the basic need for food, water, etc. before reaching for higher needs, such as self-esteem and ultimately self-actualization.

Have you ever taken a step back and listened to yourself while talking to a classroom full of enthusiastic students? The language we use does  have a controlling effect on students. Controlling language (must, can’t etc.) in academics lower the sense of autonomy. We should instead use  informational language, which allows the learner to make choices. I have personally witnessed how a principal and several teachers in my children’s school have used very demotivating language in school meetings. It is unfortunate that many educators are unaware of the fact that negativity can transpire in subtle ways and affect the students.

“Goals”: a word, which in my opinion carries a heavy psychological load!
Goals are defined by Locke and Latham as “an outcome or attainment an individual is striving to accomplish” (2002). I believe that it is important to work with students to determine the true nature of their goals, goal setting has been shown to improve performance. Goals have to be reachable, specific and clear. Long term goals should differ from short term goals. Some goals can be related to the desire to perform well  (performance oriented), that is students are truly motivated to learn for the purpose of  demonstrating their abilities to others, these goals are not necessarily fruitful at all times. Mastery goals are set by a learner without consideration of others as the ultimate purpose is to master something important. However, some students fall victims to the opposite or so called avoidance oriented goals, which motivates students  for the purpose of avoiding problems with teachers and to avoid appearing incompetent in front of others.

The Attribution Theory of motivation according to Psychologist Bernard Weiner states that an individual tends to attribute his/her own successes or failures to various factors, such as good or bad luck, excuses, mood, effort, abilities, help, lack of something, etc. This is the truest theory of all! It applies to all aspects of life. Weiner says that usually people group excuses into three categories:
·      Location of the cause, internal or external
·      Stability, will the cause change or stay stable?
·      Controllability, can I control the cause?
One can see how finding  “excuses” for oneself may trigger feelings of low self-efficacy and academic failure, i.e., I was too tired to read last night.

I had never heard of “benevolent feedback” but I can see how being empathetic may create benevolent feedback. Anita Woolfolk says that  when a teacher is too easy on a student because of his/her own uncontrollable situation (poverty, race, disabilities, etc.) he or she is giving the student the wrong message and does not help with motivation. Teachers do not need to show pity or give extra praise when not needed.

Self-Determination Theory or SDT, presented by Ryan and Deci in “Self Determination Theory and the Facilitation of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, and Well-being” suggest that human beings naturally or intrinsically look for satisfaction (mental or physical) but are also “vulnerable to passivity”. In order to promote competent, autonomous and related intrinsic behavior there has to be external psychological support from parents, teacher, peers and society…”by failing to support for competence, autonomy and relatedness …(we) contribute to ill-being and alienation” (Ryan and Deci) .
Denial of proper support provokes a series of negative effects on the individual’s well-being, such as poor performance in society, school and at work also called “amotivation, or the state of lacking the intention to act” (Ryan and Deci).

 How do we help students with a work-avoidant attitude?
A work avoidant learner does not try hard, I am sure we have all experienced this avoidance attitude as students. Teachers are the key to successful goal settings, they need to help students throughout the process without fading away. Teachers are the facilitators, the key that opens doors for students, to show them they can reach their goals. By establishing goals with our students we can help them become active learners. Classroom goals are a great strategy a teacher can use to create a sense of relatedness. When students feel that they belong, the are more motivated. Teachers must provide feedback in order to maintain the classroom goals ongoing. Goal framing  is another strategy, which helps students dig deep to find what  makes them move to the next level. Goal acceptance is a instrumental conclusive aspect of goal setting as it  asks the student to commit to established goals.

When learners, especially adults think of their abilities to reach their final goals, they seem to apply  two basic concepts according to Woolfolk:
  • ·      Entity view of ability, which assumes that an ability is stable and cannot be changed and
  • ·      incremental view of ability, which is the opposite as it assumes that it can change. The latter one being more helpful to increase motivation.

 Individuals who are motivated by unrelated external factors do not feel autonomous, this is the case of many regulations in our schools, which are dictated from high above, not understood by students and ultimately create un-relatedness with school staff and teachers. A more interesting approach would be to discuss the rules with the children and let them create some of their own to allow them to express autonomy. 
Ryan, Stiller and Lynch (1994) showed that the children who had more fully internalized regulations for positive school-related behaviors were those who felt securely connected to, and cared for by, their parents and teachers”.

“Taking in a rule but not fully accepting it is called “introjected regulation”, which is another aspect of extrinsic motivation. I feel that many doctrines these days have introjected control on our lives as we follow them to avoid feeling guilty.

This week Anita Woolfolk explores the Social Learning Theory of Psychologist Bandura, whom we have discussed in previous blogs.
Bandura states that “Social learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement”.  

Bandura’s social cognitive theory supports the idea that teachers, peers, parents, etc. serve as models for learners while at the same time the learner is using self-concept (getting something done without comparing oneself to others), self-esteem (self- judgment) and self-efficacy (feeling confident of knowing how to handle a particular task).  

But what is Self-Efficacy? According to educational psychologist Dale Schunk, “self-efficacy” is “an individual’s judgments of his or her own capabilities to perform given actions” (Self Efficacy and Academic Motivation, 1991) or according to Bandura self-efficacy is: “people’s judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances” (1986).
Schunk has extensively analyzed the cause and effects of self-efficacy in the academic world, while considering the influential work of others such as Bandura and Woolfolk. How do we acquire self-efficacy? Apparently as we experience and learn and reach goals we build self-efficacy. Positive accomplishments increase a sense of self efficacy, and negative results create a sense of low self-efficacy. Therefore positive experience while learning and performing are very instrumental to a high level of self-efficacy. We can learn from what others already know, from comparing us to others, however an effective way to help students build a strong sense of self efficacy is positive reinforcement, which has to be accompanied by subsequent psychological support and skill building. “Given adequate skills, positive outcome expectations, and personally valued outcomes, self-efficacy is hypothesized to influence the choice and direction of human behavior”.(Bandura, 1989).
Schunk approach is very helpful in the sense that according to his studies students initially act upon their prior knowledge, skills, attitudes and experiences, then while they are working with teachers and peers they  receive rewarding feelings, which add to their sense of self efficacy. Motivation comes into play when students feel that they are making progress, which in turn makes them more accomplished and helps them to maintain and/or develop strong self-efficacy.

Teacher’s self-efficacy or super teacher? 
Schunk touches on the topic of self-efficacy in teachers from a very positive point of view, whereas Anita Woolfolk touches on the pros and cons of being a teacher with high self-efficacy. I define myself a high efficacy teacher a “wanna be super-teacher”: enthusiastic, open-minded, willing to try new methods, I use challenging material, I do not always stick to the curriculum and I spend a lot of time and energy motivating the students. Rita Pierson says in her Ted Talk:” Every kid needs a champion”: “we (teachers) are born to make a difference”. Woolfolk states that the downsides of a high efficacy teacher can be false optimism therefore  he or she may believe that what has worked well in the past should be continued and not be changed, researches have shown that  a little self-doubt does not hurt: “doubt motivates change”. (Wheatley, 2002).

Self-regulated learning especially in today’s world of on-line classes is a concept we should teach our students. How self-regulated are students in their first year of college? Do you remember when you started undergraduate school?  These days students are challenged to stay on task (how many times have you checked your FB account since you have been reading this blog?) How can a young learner master the skills needed to self-regulate him/herself?
Professor Barry Zimmerman, explains self-regulations as “the process we use to activate and sustain our thoughts, behaviors and emotions in order to reach our goals”. This process is comprehensive of few steps: self-observation, self-control, self-judgment and self-reaction. A student needs coaching to master these techniques. A teacher can intervene and help the student analyze the task, set goals, design a plan, start learning (research, writing, reading etc.) and modify the approach when needed. There should also be a final assessment of the completed task and a self- analysis. This is not easy but when taken step-by-step it may provide long-term results for the purpose of self-regulated learning.

According to Bandura and his theory of triarchic reciprocal casualty, three elements interact while learning: environment (teachers, peers, social setting, etc.), the learner’s personal beliefs, attitudes and knowledge and the learner’s attitudes toward learning (motivation, mindset, etc.). The image below is a good representation of his theory:

When learning by observing others, also called by Bandura observational learning or “acquisition and later performance of behaviors demonstrated by others” (Bandura), four concepts come into play: “Attention or the extent to which we focus on other’s behavior, retention or ability to retain another’s behavior in our memory, production processes or the ability to perform the actions we observe and motivation and our need for the actions witnessed and their usefulness to us (Bandura).

Anita Woolfolk suggests that we should ask our students how they feel about learning: excited, bored, anxious, curious, and fearful. I believe this is a healthy strategy also considering the fact the neuroscience has given insights as to the emotional reactions of the brain while learning. Apparently “Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers. Dopamine also helps regulate movement and emotional responses, and it enables us not only to see rewards, but to take action to move toward them”. (Psychology today).
Perkun, Elliott & Maier, 2006 suggest that “emotions can affect learning by changing brain dopamine levels that influence long-term memory”…furthermore “sometimes emotions interfere with learning by taking up attention or working memory space that could be used for learning” (Pekrun, Goetz, Titz & Perry, 2002). Emotions affect learning and are a consequence of learning. I recall having a couple of students in my class sweating as soon as I mentioned the word grammar or listening comprehension. It was painful to see them anxious, it took a lot of reassuring on my part and ultimately their positive results were all they needed to overcome those negative emotions. Teachers should be attuned to students’ emotions. An emotion may be unrelated to learning. I had a student once who was recovering from cancer, I tried to be there for her when she wanted to talk. Anxiety can be debilitating for teachers and students, I believe meditation and breathing exercises are great coping mechanisms, we should teach our students. Goals are not only for students. Teachers must have goals, short term and long term.
In order to help students learn and achieve their goals and stay on task and be motivated, teachers may use the TARGET model, as it was introduced by Ames and Epstein (1992 and 1989):

T= task value – give the students a task which has value, use problem-based learning and service learning        
A=Autonomy or Authority, giving students the right amount of choices
R=Recognition of students’ accomplishments           
G= grouping for cooperation, for individual purposes and for competition        
E=evaluation of their work not of grades        
T=time in classroom, make time for student’s learning without rushing to reach a goal.

I completely agree with Anita Woolfolks’ analysis of what a teacher should do to enhance and keep her students motivated. The following is a summary of key point she presents in Chapter 12:

“Expect high results, explain the importance of the task, explain clearly the goals and give proper directions, extrapolate meaningful activities from the curriculum, open the door to other disciplines such as art, show students that their effort pay off, encourage risk taking, use games as reinforcements, involve parents in activities presented in school, collect rocks and categorize them, explain the same concept in various ways, praise and keep classroom’s atmosphere positive. Stimulate creativity, give opportunities for choice, tell students they can handle challenges, nurture and care for students. Work in small steps, show that everyone has strengths and weaknesses and grades are not the way to prove it, show how to solve problem and that errors are part of learning and no-one is immune, give students opportunities to respond, let students create and finish a task, allow healthy competition, provide long-term support for difficult tasks, teach learning strategies needed for each particular task”.

 Stay cool today as the thermometer hits 103F.

That’s all folks…
